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BEYBLADE X|L’Arc-en-Ciel × BEYBLADE X『YOU GOTTA RUN』Collaboration MV制作 BEYBLADE X|L’Arc-en-Ciel × BEYBLADE X『YOU GOTTA RUN』Collaboration Music Video

BEYBLADE Xのブランドムービーを制作しました。

アニメ「BEYBLADE X」のオープニングテーマにL’Arc-en-Ciellの約3年ぶりの新曲となる「YOU GOTTA RUN」が起用されたことから、楽曲のMV制作と同日、同じ場所でブランドムービーを撮影。

MVとマッシュアップした「Collaboration MV」としてMVと同時に解禁し、双方のファンへ届けました。

We were in charge of brand new movie for BEYBLADE X was produced.

As L'Arc-en-Ciell's new song ‘YOU GOTTA RUN’, their first new song in three years, was used as the opening theme for the BEYBLADE X animation, a brand movie was shot at the same location on the same day as the music video production for the song.

It was released at the same time as the music video as a ‘Collaboration MV’, a mash-up of the music video, and was delivered to fans of both sides. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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