プロダクトデザインの視点からドコモのブランド向上を図るため、デザインミュージアム 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT ギャラリー3で9日間の展示を実施。「余白」を表現することで“少し先の未来の可能性”を想像できる体験の機会をつくりました。
In order to enhance the DOCOMO brand reputation from a product design perspective, a nine-day exhibition was held at the Design Museum 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT Gallery 3. By expressing “margin,” we created an opportunity for visitors to imagine and experience"the possibilities of the future slightly ahead of our time.”
The concept of “margin” was incorporated into the prototypes on display, which not only represent linear development along a technological aspect, but also express DOCOMO's design approach to exploring more fulfilling future, which is not just a matter of efficiency. The space design and experience design utilizing Tadao Ando's architecture provided contrivances to stimulate imagination, and presented an alternative of design that does not define the future assertively, but rather speculates and co-creates the future.