ドラえもん50周年記念作品である映画「 STAND BY ME ドラえもん2」の公開を記念し、SoftBankの5G LAB「AR SQUARE」とタイアップ。ドラえもんたちと一緒に写真の撮影ができるARフォトフレームを開発しました。映画に登場する象徴的なシーンに参加した気分を味わえるフォトフレームをシリーズ展開し、コロナの影響で映画館でのスタンディの設置が困難な中でも、記念撮影が楽しめる方法を提供しました。
AR photo frames which lets you take pictures with Doraemon and the gang.
This work was created to mark the 50th anniversary of Doraemon, as tie-in contents of the movie "STAND BY ME Doraemon 2" and SoftBank 5G LAB "AR SQUARE". It is like you are in the iconic scenes of the movie, such as the wedding party of Nobita and Shizuka etc, this photo frames were developed as a series. Due to Covid-19 circumstances, it is not appropriate to set up standees in theaters, instead, we showed one of the ways to enjoy picture taking through technology.